How Can SharePoint Provide You With An Intranet For Remote Working

Andy Taylor

It has been a year and a half now since the COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone to reconsider almost all aspects of their daily activities, from shopping and communicate to working and invest. Furthermore, following the government instructions and recommendation since the first lockdown the number of employees working remotely has been increasing steadily. The office environment was changed with the home offices leading to a need of change in the way employees working remote communicate and collaborate.

Moreover, even with easing of restrictions still around 60% of UK employees continue to work remotely with a high percentage of them claiming they would rather continue doing so even after the pandemic is over. This comes as no surprise as many employees claim to be both happier and more productive while working remotely. However, along with the numerous benefits of working from home, around 62% of remote workers report the companies should invest in better technology to help employees stay connected and continue collaborate and communicate with their remote team.

A good management of a remote workforce requires employers to put additional efforts to ensure their remote working employees are connected, able to communicate efficiently considering the different locations and time zones and can collaborate seamlessly just as they were in the offices. That is why, to increase the team’s productivity and efficiency intranet services such as SharePoint come in place as a solution.

What is an intranet?

What is an Intranet?

In a nutshell an intranet is a local communication network, which provides remote teams in a company with a way to have access to everything they need to conduct their day-to-day responsibilities easier and be more connected, productive, and able to collaborate while working remotely. Furthermore, a successfully implemented bespoke intranet design solution could help a remote working team to share important documents, access files from every device and location, given they have permission and authorization, collaborate seamlessly, and work simultaneously on different tasks.

One of the many intranet service platforms a remote team could benefit from is SharePoint Online. This intranet tool is provided by Microsoft and could be a perfect solution for your company no matter if you are a current Microsoft 365 user or a new one as we at Dolphin IT solution could guide you through the whole process of your SharePoint migration.

How could your remote team benefit from SharePoint Online?

Benefits of SharePoint Online

Teamwork is not about your location but about how well connected every team member is and what is the level of collaboration among the employees. And these are things SharePoint Online can provide for your business. SharePoint can give you the chance to create, store and share content on the web no matter where you are which make your employees better connected while working remotely and improve team collaboration.

Furthermore, to share information across the whole company, SharePoint allows you to build intranet sites, create pages, document libraries and list, add web parts such as text, images, and documents so that you can format and customize your content. Other features this intranet platform has are the opportunity to share important news and updates in a user-friendly layout using communication sites to make sure your remote team are well informed or connect all the needed people for a given project with using team sites.

The search for files and people, the management of a day-to-day-routine with workflows, forms and lists and libraries, the synchronization and storage of documents in the cloud securely, the access to the mobile app to catch up with latest news and updates, are only some of the features SharePoint Online could give you access to encourage your employees collaborate, stay connected, informed, and updated while working remote.

How can Dolphin IT Solution provide your remote team with a SharePoint solution?

Here at Dolphin IT Solution, we are experienced in delivering digital transformation, design and development services on Microsoft cloud platforms including SharePoint and many more. Some of the features we can help you incorporate in your intranet network are:

  • Optimize Document Management
  • Build Document Storage Architecture
  • Implement Document Control and Security
  • Encouraging Seamless Collaboration
  • Business Process Automation Integration

We have delivered intranet solution for many clients, and we would recommend you have a look at some of our relevant case studies to get an idea of how we have delivered digital transformation solution for some of our clients. For more information you can contact us.

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